This module helps you to comment on schedules and express future plans with more nuance and precision. The reading activity focuses on the impact of automation and robotics on the future workplace, something that will affect all of us. Practise reading comprehension strategies and skills and take a note of any words and expressions you are unfamiliar with. Also pay close attention to the use of future forms, including will and be going to. Two listening comprehension activities look at the organisation of a conference, from two different angles. Again, as you practise your listening comprehension skills, take a note of any words and expressions that seem pertinent to your field and observe how the different future forms are used by the speakers. The grammar component of this module reviews these future forms. In English, there is no dedicated tense to express the future. Rather, we use the modal will, the structure be going to, the simple present and the present progressive. Each of these verb forms has a specific nuance, and it is important to master them well in order to correctly and precisely convey your message. Finally, you will review and practise vocabulary items that describe different types of schedules.
