This module helps you to understand and express different types of numerical information with more confidence and precision. The reading activity focuses on budgets, something all of us have to compose with, whether as students or professionals. Practise reading comprehension strategies and skills and take a note of any words and expressions you are unfamiliar with. They will be useful when describing financial information and amounts of money. Three listening comprehension activities introduce common numerical formats, including amounts of money, times and dates and telephone numbers. As you practise your listening comprehension skills, take a note of the correct pronunciation and the particularities of each number format. The grammar component of this module reviews the simple past and the past progressive, which mirror the usage of the two present tenses. A pronunciation exercise helps you pinpoint and practise the three ways in which we can pronounce the final -ed on the simple past and past participle forms of regular verbs. Finally, you will review and practise vocabulary items and expressions that relate to different types of numerical information.
